Hello! WE are Roholiday. Our experience guarantees your experience!
Take a Tour and discover all our Offers.

  • Flexible Tours

    Perfectly fitted to your needs. The existing packages can be adjusted to your unique preferences. We are open to suggestions.

  • Clear and Simple

    The purpose of this website represents in fact very useful information which can come in handy to any traveler who decides to visit Romania.

  • Great Support

    Regardless of the information you need to know or verify, answers that couldn't be found on the internet or other sources, we are here to come to your assistance.

Romania in Pictures

  • Remembering December 1989

    The Revolution in '89 came as a response of the fact that people were fed up by severe food rationing and power cuts, the abolishment of contraception and abortion, the censored mass media, etc...

  • Cultural Tours

    Some of the tours that we created refer to a sector of tourists that are interested in heritage tourism. Romania represents a destination with a large variety...

  • Traditions and Customs

    Folklore is due to extinction! That's a fact when we think of the way things rapidly changed over the years. Fortunately, in some rural areas, locals strive to keep intact their rich heritage...

  • Natural Monuments

    Thinking of the official logo of the Romanian Tourist Office ("Explore the Romanian garden"), the first thing that pops in our mind is regarding the diversity of natural areas with great touristic interest...

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